We assist clients to meet their mandatory (and voluntary) environmental and social reporting requirements, preparing sustainability reports and materiality assessments using recognised sustainability reporting platforms such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the United Nations Global Compact.
We offer services including sustainability and public reporting - environmental and social aspects including guidance on environmental risk, materiality, ISO 26000 (social responsibility) & ISO 24000 (sustainable procurement)), building performance and net zero strategies.
Sustainability Reporting platforms are providing a global opportunity for businesses and organisations to report their environmental and social information. The next step in this process is to implement the findings from these reports into action. We are offering programs and processes to identify 'the how'.
Our 'Beyond Reporting' program guides businesses & organisations to realise these opportunities financially, socially, economically, and environmentally. We assist in this way through identifying practical solutions, linking project and community partners, and identifying potential funding and finance options.
Our staff have extensive experience in environmental science and business management fields incorporating resource efficiency, natural resource management, risk assessments and project management.
Our 'Beyond Reporting' program guides businesses & organisations to realise these opportunities financially, socially, economically, and environmentally. We assist in this way through identifying practical solutions, linking project and community partners, and identifying potential funding and finance options.
Our staff have extensive experience in environmental science and business management fields incorporating resource efficiency, natural resource management, risk assessments and project management.